Monday, January 31, 2011

the storm of 2011 !!

It started hailing and there has been thunder, lightening, sleet, hail, and we'll see what goes on tomorrow! I haven't been as good at keeping my blog up as i hoped to but it's nice to at least sit down once a week and vent or write a long blog! My hubby has put himself on a diet and lost almost 20lbs I am soooo proud of him......BUT..... I  work out daily sometimes numerous hours and can't lose a dang pound.  I lost 11 and since added a ballet class i have put more weight on which I hope is muscle and am sure it is but SERIOUSLY wh do men get the blessing to dropp weight like they do and us women who worry and obsess about it have a billion times harder.  He stopped drinking pop, alcohol, and sugar and boom it's gone.  I think i need to stop obsessing over it and be happy for him and happy that i'm back to doing what i love and that is dancing! How many people can say their dream in life was to dance and because of blowing out my knee i had to stop and couldn't follow my dreams. Now 10 years later after being diagnosed with RA and fibromyalgia I am once again doing what i love! No i can't make up those years or ever be good like i was but i can do it an dthats what matters to me!!!!!!!!!
I love my husband by the way he is the most amazing man in the world!!!  He went to the store today, helped me finish the laundry, cooked some food in case we lost power, and gave the puppies a bath!!!!  He was soooo sweet and thoughtful!! I'm about to hit the sack b/c unlike everyone else in the world who will be home in the warm houses with their loved ones............... I WILL BE AT WORK!!!!

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